Senin, 31 Maret 2014
Kamis, 27 Maret 2014
Infografis Program Pertukaran Pemuda Antarnegara (PPA) Kuota Provinsi NTB
Infografis Program Indonesian Malaysia Youth Exchange Program source: PCMI Jogyakarta |
Infografis Indonesia Canada Youth Exchange Program Source: Pcmi Jogyakarta |
Infografis Indonesia Korean Youth Exchange Program Source: PCMI Jogyakarta |
Infografis Ship For South East Asia Youth Program Source : PCMI Jogyakarta |
Tindak Lanjut Hasil Rakornas PPAN 2014-2014
Berdasarkan surat keputusan Nomor 063/D.I-I/II/2014 tertanggal 25 Maret 2014 mengenai tindak lanjut hasil rakor PPAN 2014. Oleh karena itu,merujuk kepada hasil Rapat Koordinasi PPAN 2014 pada tanggal 18 s.d 21 Maret 2014 di Jakarta. Dengan hormat kami sampaikan hal-hal sebagai berikut :
1. Usia calon peserta Program Pertukaran Pemuda Antar Negara untuk Program PPIK yaitu usia 20-24 tahun dirubah menjadi usia 18 – 23 tahun.
2. Berkaitan dengan skor kompetensi Bahasa Inggris, tetap mengacu pada surat kemenpora terdahulu. Tetapi, disesuaikan dengan pencapaian skor dimaksud pada setiap hasil kompetensi komunikasi yang aktif berbahasa Inggris untuk mengikuti program. hal itu merupakan salah satu pertimbangan untuk mengikuti program PPAN.
2. Berkaitan dengan skor kompetensi Bahasa Inggris, tetap mengacu pada surat kemenpora terdahulu. Tetapi, disesuaikan dengan pencapaian skor dimaksud pada setiap hasil kompetensi komunikasi yang aktif berbahasa Inggris untuk mengikuti program. hal itu merupakan salah satu pertimbangan untuk mengikuti program PPAN.
Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014
PPAN 2014!
Pemuda Nusa Tenggara Barat, seleksi Pertukaran Pemuda Antarnegara telah dibuka! Pastikan dirimu dapat mewakili Nusa Tenggara Barat menjelajahi Canada, Jepang dan negara Asean, Malaysia atau mungkin Korea Selatan!
Baca persyaratannya lengkapnya disini, kemudian unduh formulirnya disini!
Best of luck!
Universe Conspiracy on IKYEP 2013
"We are the sum of all the moments of our life,"
a self centered girl, I’d like to know what is going to happen next, in every
shape and mold of my destiny. I have always wanted to know beyond it, like one
step earlier before the universe gave the sign. I always fail, of course. Life
just can’t stop throwing you surprises. But I never gave up. Until it happened,
a beautiful twist that changed my way of thinking. Long story short, I passed a
sequel of test to join IKYEP —Indonesia-South Korea Youth Exchange Program—
which was tough, let me define tough; “something that you were confuse about,
when you were a girl who always desperately begging for a sign from the
universe, and not going through anything without a guarantee slash sign that
you are going to get the thing that you pursue, but somehow you stayed”.
took it for granted. I met so many inspirational person, most of them was like
a key that trying to open a door but it didn’t work, I mean you could met a lot
of inspirational person or read a lot of motivational books but not one really
give you a change in your life, it just end up making you think that its
actually cool to see things the way they did, but you didn’t really change the
way you see things the way they did. Its impossible anyway, we have this very
unique way of thinking that differ us from others. But there is this one that
satisfied my thirst of sensational things. Might be not very sensational for
you, but for me it work just perfectly sensational, like I said. Your mind
works uniquely.
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